Islanda intentioneaza interzicerea comercializarii tigarilor in magazine


Islanda: Tigarile ar putea fi cumparate doar din farmacii, pe baza de reteta.
Islanda intentioneaza interzicerea comercializarii tigarilor in magazine, acestea urmand sa fie cumparate din farmacii, exclusiv pe baza de reteta. Potrivit unei noi legi, medicii vor trebui sa ii ajute pe fumatori sa renunte la acest viciu, prin intermediul tratamentelor sau a programelor educationale. In cazul in care nu vor obtine rezultate favorabile, doctorii le vor putea prescrie retete pentru tigari pacientilor. Farmarcistii vor putea sa vanda tigari numai persoanelor de peste 20 de ani care primesc ajutor din partea medicilor. Masura face parte dintr-un plan pe 10 ani prin care fumatul urmeaza sa fie interzis in locurile publice, precum si in masinile unde se afla copii, scrie Guardian.

Icelanders hoping to light up may soon need a note from their doctor.

Siv Fridleifsdottir, the country’s former health minister, has proposed a radical bill in parliament that would make cigarettes a prescription-only product, the U.K.’s Guardian reports. The bill would ban the sale of cigarettes in regular shops, allowing only pharmacies to dispense them. Initially sales would be limited to those 20 years and older, and later to smokers with a valid medical certificate.

If the measure passes, it would encourage smokers to try to quit, by working with doctors and addiction treatment and education programs. If those efforts fail, doctors would be able to prescribe cigarettes.

LIST: U.S. FDA’s 9 Final Cigarette Warning Labels

The proposal is part of a larger 10-year plan that also seeks to ban smoking in all public places — including parks and sidewalks — and cars carrying children. Over the past 20 years, Iceland has cut smoking rates in half, from 30% in 1991 to 15% today. The reduction is largely due to a large increase in tobacco taxes, which account for 25% of the cost of a pack, and belt-tightening in the wake of Iceland’s financial collapse.

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