Demonstratiile de proportii de la Reykjavík, Islanda, au dus la demisia primului ministru

Proteste fără precedent în Islanda. Motivul pentru care se cere demisia premierului
Mii de islandezi au protestat în Reykjavik, luni, solicitând demisia premierului Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson., după ce ancheta Panama Papers a dezvăluit că acesta şi-a ascuns investiţiile în paradisuri fiscale.
Dosarele Panama in Islanda, evolutia situatiei:

Cristian Sima : De la prietenul meu Gunnar Guttormur Kjeld, am primit urmatoarele explicatii pentru situatia din Islanda. Cititi cu atentie ultima fraza!!!!!!

People are demanding that the prime minister of Iceland will resign for his connection with an offshore company. allegedly his wife has millions of dollars in that company. What is embarrassing about this is that the company had claims on the Icelandic banking system, like the hedge funds that bought cheap claims on the Icelandic banks and tried to maximize them. Basically people feel he was serving the banks and the finance not the people. People will not stop demonstrating until he resigns. The demonstration yesterday were the biggest in Iceland´s history.

And he will resign.  There will probably be new election
But while this is happening, american air force jets moved to Iceland

sursa : Cristian Sima

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