Un pasager american al unui zbor IcelandAir a fost arestat pentru furt


Un pasager al companiei aeriene islandeze a fost arestat după ce a fost acuzat de furtul a 300 dolari din poşeta unei însoţitoare de zbor.

Torry Johnson had been flying back from a holiday in Iceland when airline staff claimed he stole foreign currency from the attendant’s purse.

Mr Johnson, who was heading to Boston, Massachusetts, was confronted by angry Icelandair staff while the plane was in the air over Greenland.

Police say Johnson returned the foreign currency, before locking himself in the aircraft’s bathroom, where it is thought he flushed the remaining missing cash down the toilet.

Officials believe the currency he flushed down the plane’s toilet was U.S. dollars.

Massachusetts State Police said they arrested Johnson after he disembarked from Icelandair Flight 631 at Logan International Airport on Sunday at 5 p.m.

Ground staff at the airport were still trying to retrieve the missing money from the flight’s storage tanks, police said.

Johnson was released from police custody on Sunday evening.

Un pasager american al unui zbor IcelandAir a fost arestat pentru furt

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